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Answers To Your Amsler Grid Questions April 16, 2024 |
Hello Answers To Your Amsler Grid QuestionsAlmost anyone who has seen a retina doctor for macular degeneration has been told about how and why one should monitor their vision at home using the Amsler Grid. Why Monitor Your Vision at Home1. Earlier Detection can Mean Better Treatment OutcomesAccording to Joshua Dunaief, MD, PhD of Sheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania, "If an eye with wet AMD goes untreated for a few months or longer, it can begin to develop retinal scarring. This scarring can lead to irreversible vision loss in parts of the visual field..." 2. A Good Eye May Hide Vision Loss in the Bad Eye A good eye can compensate for the eye that has more severe vision loss. Which means you may not know that one eye has gotten worse unless you close the good eye. When testing with the Amsler Grid you are testing one eye at a time to monitor vision changes in each eye. If you have been told to monitor your vision at home but you are not sure how to do it or you have gotten tired of doing it regularly, or maybe you don't have an Amsler chart, click on the link for detailed instructions, encouragement to continue home monitoring, and how to get a free Amsler Grid.... How to Use an Amsler Grid and How to Get One for Free Leslie Degner, RN, BSN Better Health for Better Vision |
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